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Hi love !

Welcome to your


If you are new to my world,
Thank you for your trust.



My name is Dominique Zuniga and I am passionate about helping you to become a fully free expressive being through connecting to  your voice.

By using these guides you can activate your voice  to feel more connected to yourself in just a few minutes.  This can be the perfect way to start your day!

Let this be the seed of an expressively liberating journey together.

Music by Dominique Zuniga

I invite you to create an intimate space.
Get some good headphones and drop-in to your voice! Let go of the need to be “the singer” & simply connect to your voice as you would a best friend or lover.
Forget  about how it  sounds  & tune into how it feels in your body. 
Freeing  yourself through your voice with each breath. Enjoy!

1. Voice Meditation 

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Here is a  touch of technique for you to strengthen your vocal muscles. 
This is based on ancient Indian theory. This knowledge has been preserved for 3,000 years and  gets more  complex as we journey deeper together  over time. Each  sequence  can have  many variations and serve as vocal  codes  for you to enhance your melodic pallet. 
I hope you enjoy it ! If you want to go deeper, message me for private  1-1 work.

2. Classical Indian Scales

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3. World Song

This is a beautiful ancient Yemen Song that my teacher taught me. 
It is a calling to restore  feminine soft  power & divinity into the world.
It literally translates to the following; “The feminine aspect of God was wrapped around my heart. I  am in exile  and my footsteps are deep in the ground.”
The more you give yourself to this song, the more she reveals herself to you.
I  invite you to sing this song anytime you need to call in more soft feminine power & let it hold you. 

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Want to dive deeper ?

Apply for private 1:1 work 

Dive Deep at your own pace with online courses



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" I began her course without knowing that this will lead to a deep level of connecting to myself. And Dominique created a safe space that allowed me to share my inner feelings with everyone. So it felt like a breakthrough not only in technical terms because I didn’t know how high my voice can get but also in spiritual terms. I’m thankful for this life changing experience, that I can recommend to everyone. " 

Hanna Van Der Wick | Germany

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