Sound Sorcerer
A 3 month online journey & retreat into refining your vocal artistry
- To embody living poetry because you are an instrument of the divine -
You deserve to give your gifts to the world, reclaim the power of your voice, experience profound transformation, live a life of authentic freedom & self-mastery
12 live weekly online calls
Oct 4th - Dec 20th
Every Wednesday
9 AM GMT +8 | 6 PM PST
Retreat in Thailand 2024
January 5th - January 11th
I feel you...
I feel your hunger for deeper meaning to life.
For more inspiration to pursue your dreams.
Your desire to thrive in your body's authentic legacy.
Your wish to feel liberated in your thrust for life.
I know you crave for passion to be the fuel of your life every corner you turn.
And I know you are ready
To make love to your fears & discomfort.
To turn everything that you've ever been through into liberated expression
& living poetry .
To connect to your voice is to be deeply attuned to the rhythms of your soul in a profoundly intimate way.
To actively birth a clear dialogue with source & all of creation.Your own unique compass that will guide you along your way in this mystery of life.
The world needs your passionate expressions.
Are you ready to give it to them?
You have a gift, simply because you exist.
There are no mistakes in your heART.
Only authentic expressions looking for a home.
The way you dance into this mystery is an eternal song between you and source.
Nobody can take that away from you. It is something so personal & scared.
What happens when you refine your unique conversation with creation?
Can you imagine a life so deeply connected to the world within & around you?
Life becomes the umbilical chord to the expressions you pour onto it.
The more you give passion to your life, the more it gives passion to you.
Your voice is your most valuable direct conversation with creation.
To enhance it , is to enhance your life...
I have created and curated a safe space to explore and become more intimate with yourself.
To bring yourself deeper into your authentic expression and bring it to life!
This is the journey where we create through our soul, through our hearts voice.
The Sound Sorcerer creates through having a conversation with creation.
What if I don't like the sound of my voice?
What if I am terrified of singing in front of people?
What if I have no desire to become a professional singer?
Beloved soul,
You do not have to be a singer to connect to the purity of your voice.
Just as you don't have to be a scientist to connect & love all parts of your being.
We do not sing from a place of dogmatic threat, but rather , to discover ourselves in a more intimate way.
To learn to love every part of ourselves that comes to surface through our voice.
To heal layers of deep shame.
The more you learn to love yourself where it's most uncomfortable while journeying through your voice, the more your voice will become harmonious naturally.
To connect to your voice is to be deeply attuned to the rhythms of your soul in a profoundly intimate way.
Your unique compass that will guide you along your way in this mystery of life.
It is time to discover the language of your heART
You are made up of pure passion & love.
Creation is not something you need to learn.
You already are it just by being.
You are the creator.
Your voice is the compass.
The Celestial Journey
Month 1
The Philosophy
Recommended book:
The creative act : a way of being
by Rick Rubin
Month 2
The Technique
Recommended book:
The music of life
by hazrat inayat khan
Month 3
The Mission
Recommended book: Big Magic
by Elizabeth Gilbert
Opening Ceremony
Introduction to the course + each other
Vocal class intro + Sound Journey Concert
Relax and experience the transmission
Vocal Class +
Philosophy lecture
Enhance your perspective on your relationship with your voice & life
Vocal Class +
Artistry & emotional creativity exercises. A safe creative & cathartic space to explore the depths of your expression
Vocal Class +
Integration Circle
Learn authentic communication techniques
Concert with Special guests
Theme: Observe the dialouge of music between many people
Vocal Class +
Voice Muscle & Technique refinement
develop style & enhance your tools for creating harmonious expressions
Vocal Class+
Ancient theory & ancient melodies
honor the traditions of our ancestors vocal codes
Vocal Class +
Lyrical songwriting lecture featuring special guests. Learn to put your feelings into words
Vocal Class +
The business behind music
Putting yourself out there, marketing & promotion hacks
Interactive concert
Learn the behind the scenes of Dominique's music equipment & live set up process during concerts + learn her world singing circle songs & sing them with her
Vocal Class +
Closing Ceremony & integration
Group Chat support
Sound as the source Challenges
Soul Assignments - Invitations
Reading prompt on unleashing your creativity
Musically inspired Movie prompt
Soundscape Bundles
Guided Meditations
In-depth Vocal training & practical exercises
Custom interactive concerts
Practices on Authentic communication
Sharing Sacred Space
World Songs & Ancient melodies
Integration support space
A Retreat in Thailand in 2024
This is for you if...
You desire to feel fully free, alive & at-home in your body no matter what life hands you.
You are ready to reclaim your body & birth a legacy of liberation & ecstatic expression
You hunger for deeper meaning to life & more inspiration to pursue your dreams.
Your desire to thrive in your body's authenticity
Your wish to feel liberated in your thrust for more life
You crave for passion to be the fuel of your life every corner you turn
You are ready to make love to your fears & see what is on the other side of that discomfort
To turn everything that you've ever been through into living poetry
To attract inspiring connections, mentors, & like-minded beings
What's included
12 weeks of group live sessions
Access to recordings for life
Private group Whatsapp chat group
Bonus resources
Lifetime access to Temple of Sound Sanctuary - an online vault of sound medicine resources
7 day retreat in thailand
Accommodation & Gourmet Food
Luxury Stay
Private Concerts with special guest musicians
Island tour & adventures
In-person immersive group voice training sessions
Ecstatic Dance & Ecstatic singing circles
Daily meditation & yoga
Open mic & group music jam
14 spaces total
I created
sound sorcerer
because I was silenced in my childhood.
I was abused & neglected.
I know what it's like to feel completely disconnected &
longing for a deeper meaning to life.
To find that within my own body was the most empowering experience of my life.
My voice has saved my life...
in every unimaginable way possible.
Every deep relationship, world travel, home, abundance & heart, opening experience derived from the awakening of my voice.
The awakening of my voice was the awakening of my soul.
This is the program I wish I had for myself.
Our voices are far more powerful than we can imagine.
It is the physical manifestation of our souls most vulnerable way of communicating with creation.
Our voices give life to the multi-dimensional.
Our songs create worlds of the unimaginable.
You came to this earth with so much purpose.
Your struggle in living your authentic path can be liberated within your own body.
Everything you seek is already within you.
The journey of discovering your voice is a direct reflection of the power
that is within you.
You are one step away from awakening an unstoppable power within you.
This power cannot be confined by worldly circumstances but embraced by the greatest mysteries of the universe.
The more you give life to your voice,
the more it gives life to you.
The more you give love to yourself,
the more love pours unto your life.
This is the perfect opportunity for you to rise in deeper love with yourself as a vessel for creation through your voice.
You are made up of pure passion & love.
Creation is not something you need to learn.
You already are it just by being.